Defense and National Security Nano, Nanomaterials, and Nanotechnologies

Friday, December 16, 2005

Iranian Nano Industry Think Tank.

Here is another website that details some of Iran's nano initiatives. Unfortunately, there is not much useful information on this, although they seem to focus on steels.

Formed in 2005, Nano and Industry Think-Tank’s (NITT) knowledge and expertise comes from a combination of thinking and doing. We have focused on creating value through researching and developing innovative approaches to meet industry needs in the area of Nanotechnology.

NITT is a center which develops and publishes policy proposals as part of its mission to influence decisions within four inter-related strands: industry sections; government; investors; and society. Its aim is to understand the dynamic processes at work within its areas of study.

Our aim is to create new understandings by drawing on available evidence and presenting alternative views that encourage new thinking again on what works (or doesn't), how, and why.  We focus on the space between the development of policy aims and their translation into practical, operational realities.



Zhukov suggests concentrated financing of nanotechnology.

Well, Russia is also getting aggressive on nanotechnology. Now, this is a very serious competitor; only this time it could be the nanowar, rather than cold war, and worse!

[December 16, 2005]

Zhukov suggests concentrated financing of nano-technology

(Interfax News Agency)MOSCOW. Dec 15 (Interfax) - Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Zhukov has suggested making nano-technologies a priority of Russian science and the economy.

Russia should have a national program for the development of nano- technologies, Zhukov said at a Cabinet meeting on Thursday.

"The significance of nano-technologies in the 21st century will be equal to that of the atomic bomb and information technology in the 20th," he said.

In contrast to many other spheres, Russia is not yet lagging behind other states in the field of nano-technology, Zhukov said. "Yet we may begin to do so should a national program supporting nano-technologies not be launched," he said.

Experts believe that the world market for nano-technologies will reach trillions of dollars in 2015-2020, Zhukov said.

The government should concentrate funds on specific scientific projects, including nano-technologies. "Should we continue dispersing our funds, our results will be meager," he said.

Allocations for science and innovation will reach 2% of Russia's GDP by 2010, Education and Science Minister Andrei Fursenko said.

