Iranian Nano Industry Think Tank.
Here is another website that details some of Iran's nano initiatives. Unfortunately, there is not much useful information on this, although they seem to focus on steels.
Formed in 2005, Nano and Industry Think-Tank’s (NITT) knowledge and expertise comes from a combination of thinking and doing. We have focused on creating value through researching and developing innovative approaches to meet industry needs in the area of Nanotechnology.
NITT is a center which develops and publishes policy proposals as part of its mission to influence decisions within four inter-related strands: industry sections; government; investors; and society. Its aim is to understand the dynamic processes at work within its areas of study.
Our aim is to create new understandings by drawing on available evidence and presenting alternative views that encourage new thinking again on what works (or doesn't), how, and why. We focus on the space between the development of policy aims and their translation into practical, operational realities.